
In 2018, Huang Wei, the vice mayor of Harbin visited the company

In 2018, Zhi Dayong, the deputy mayor of Harbin inspected the company

In 2018, Zhu Qingwen, the chairman of General Union of Heilongjiang Province visited and sent support to the company

In 2014, Qu Lei, the deputy mayor visited the company for investigation and survey

In 2013, Song Xibin, the Mayor of Harbin visited the company

In 2013, Liu Xin, the deputy mayor visited the company

ADD : No.7 Dianchi Street, Centralized District, Yingbin Road, High-Tech Developing Zone, Harbin, China.
TEL : 0451-58699963 / 0451-84674449
宁乡县| 天长市| 安化县| 镇雄县| 桦甸市| 龙口市| 寿宁县| 遂宁市| 邹城市| 黄梅县| 萝北县| 福州市| 凌海市| 五家渠市| 玉屏| 吉木乃县| 吴桥县| 二连浩特市| 穆棱市| 金秀| 绵阳市| 阿拉善右旗| 江华| 南康市| 石林| 泗水县| 天柱县| 离岛区| 淮滨县| 左贡县| 酉阳| 林芝县| 湟中县| 安泽县| 闵行区| 临朐县| 汝南县| 乐平市| 泰宁县| 开化县| 维西|